UISD New Facilities & Support Center

This project began with an assessment of an existing customs broker warehouse and office building, with the intention of purchasing and renovating the facility for the district’s use. We analyzed the existing structure, spatial considerations, and condition of the interior finishes and provided a list of recommendations to for the owner to review. Once the study was completed, the district determined that the facility would be suitable for their purposes.
The scope of work for this project consisted of demolishing the interior of a 5,000 sf office building, and renovating it into new offices for the district’s maintenance & facilities offices. In addition, an existing warehouse adjacent to the offices was renovated, including all-new interior LED lighting, providing 11 offices for maintenance staff, a new conference room, building a large interior gathering area for the entire department, and subdividing the remainder of the existing warehouse for the maintenance and facilities department’s supplies and inventory. Future plans include a second phase which will provide for offices for the district’s construction department.
